Homicide Data
Data driven drawings based on Baltimore's Homicide rate starting with 2015. All data was collected from Baltimore City Police reports, the City Paper, and Baltimore Sun.
Artist Statement
Glass engraving of Age drawing.

This drawing represents the homicide data in Baltimore City for 2015. The circles symbolize a variety of age groups; look below for chart. The blue and pink color represent the gender recorded for each victim. The drawing reflects the only the information cover on the police reports, and does not represent the views of the artist.

Actual image of plexiglass sculpture.

Calendar Drawing of 2015.
This drawing is a mixture of the date and race of the people murdered in 2015. The data came from Baltimore City and County Police Reports.
Red= African American
Blue= Caucasian
Yellow= Hispanic
Orange- Asian
Green- Indian
Magenta- Unknown

The City vs. The County

This set of drawings reflect the 2015 homicide rate by race. The image on the left is Baltimore City and the image on the right reflects the county.
Each wedge represents a month in a year. Reading it like an analog clock the year starts at 1 o'clock angle. The month wedge's first day of each month starts in the center of the circle. If there is more than one victim from the same race in a day. A space (or white line) is made in the day section.
Is it in the weather or maybe it's the moon...

This homicide drawing looks at the weather and moon phases in 2016. The white dashes represent a victim that day.